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Соціальни мережі
Розробник: JOHAIL PTY .LTD

Welcome to FINDHER.

Are you lesbian, bi or simply female and curious?

Use FINDHER to connect with like-minded women for friendship, relationships and networking and/or dating opportunities.

FINDHER is an international geo-social networking app for gay women promoting real time interaction with other members. You have the ability to filter your search by viewing just your ‘hearted’ favourites, age group or perhaps you are interested in the ladies close-by.

Creating your profile on FINDHER is quick and easy with an option to upload up to six photos. Other members can enlarge your photos for full screen viewing. If you are a little shy; hide your profile by activating the ‘eye’ at the same time still enjoying the search.

Or, be bold and Check-In via FINDHER at your Google powered location. Can’t find it? No problem, create your own location.

This is just phase two of building the FINDHER community platform. FINDHER wants to make this all about you. Further interactive features will be coming soon. Watch this space ladies.

Want more? Follow the FINDHER footprints on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Live a little, flirt a little. Let’s Play!